Excerpt: There's a sense something is bubbling just below the surface and it wants to be acknowledged. That inner turbulence feels uncomfortable. It's a yearning for us to become something more than we have been, it's a yearning for evolution.
Excerpt: Time is the most precious tool we have been gifted with. We can use the present to change our past and determine our future. This tool really works!
Excerpt: Imagine the life we'll live when we begin to open to another way! Just a bit of work first. Like that caterpillar, it will hurt when we squeeze out of our cocoon. There is no going back though. Humanity is ready for this and the energies on this planet are supporting our evolution.
Excerpt: I can no longer eat wheat, corn, dairy, meat, beans…the [...]
Excerpt: The first full moon in May is known as the Wesak full moon. The energies of Buddha, Christ and the feminine energies of Mary descend in a big way and prepare the metaphorical soil for what will germinate in our spiritual life.
Excerpt: The next time frustration creeps in when your desires go unmet, try to see if from a different perspective. Perhaps it is just the Universe and Divine Timing saving us from ourselves. Not Now doesn't mean Not Ever, it just means Not Now! Gratitude for Unanswered Prayers might be just what the Universe is waiting for us to develop.
Excerpt: Everyone has to deal with fear, that’s a given. It’s how we deal with fear when it arises that determines our level of happiness. When we can learn to realistically gauge what little danger actually does exist in our lives, we'll find the courage we need to take chances and begin living a fully awakened life.
Excerpt: We can't 'fix' others or this world until we 'fix' ourselves. Transformation is required on this planet; of that there is no doubt. Transformation will have to happen within each and every one of us before it can ever be reflected in the world at large.
Excerpt: Happiness is ours when we connect with who we are at our core. Start small…Rome wasn’t built in a day! Begin to create as your heart whispers its intentions to you. Create a beautiful meal, a garden, a meaningful conversation.
Excerpt: Being Lonely Alone is Preferable to Being Lonely in a Crowd. There is an aspect of this evolutionary process where spending time with yourself will become very important to you.
Excerpt: This evolution is about finding the courage to mold your own life experience. It's calling you to "feel" in to the heart; the birthplace of true authentic creativity.
Excerpt: This is Law of Attraction at work; we are in a state of flux and that is what is being attracted to us. Our life becomes a great big WHY! Why is this happening to me? Why do I feel this way? I don't know what's true any more.
Excerpt: The path laid out for you by others, no longer leads where you want to go.
Excerpt: Most of us dream of a life of "happily ever after"; but isn't that like a blank canvas? Devoid of depth, character and meaning. Love and life need the black lines.
Excerpt: As we become better at loving the self, we may begin to question the choices we made in relationships. Did society, parents, pregnancy, dogma or other outside forces influence our relationship choices? Are we still happy with our choices? These questions can cause friction in the self and in those we are in relationship with.
Excerpt: Emotions serve as our teacher. If we are unhappy, that will be felt more sharply than in the past. If we are happy, that emotion will be also felt in a bigger way. Eventually, the contrast will be so great, we will choose the good feeling emotion over the uncomfortable one. Our survival depends on learning the lesson.
Excerpt: When it feels as if the world is no longer on our side, we are more willing to jump in to the unknown. If frustration is your close companion and it feels like the world is no longer on your side, have faith! Trust the jump will land you in the best possible place for you.
Excerpt: As we embrace evolution, we are becoming lighter. We are resonating at a higher or lighter energy frequency and our relationship with time is changing as a result.
Excerpt: Humans are energetic beings with a deep awareness of the non-physical. The trick…learning how to balance the realities of the physical with the opportunities inherent in the messages of the non-physical. Let Jupiter, Uranus and Tarot show you how.
Excerpt: Understanding the process of Conscious Awakening gives you a road map for the most important human experience. Determine the stage of conscious awakening you're in and where in life this is playing out for you.
Excerpt: Cross the bridge (Uranus) from Neptune (dreams) to Saturn (reality). Utilize these tools and gain greater clarity for your earthly life. You will find it easier to make your dreams come true, and you will be a real catalyst for change on Planet Earth.
Excerpt: It’s her job to “bring you to your knees” sort of speak. If you're over-identified with career, money, relationships, physical body, beliefs…she'll do what it takes to destroy that which you hold dear. Not because she wishes to destroy you. Quite the opposite. She loves you ...
Excerpt: Put the systems in place to access your intuitive inner wisdom. Everything about your work, love and life will transform.
Excerpt: Change can be simple even if it’s not necessarily easy. The good news. You can learn a very simple way to enact change.
Excerpt: We are energetic beings and we are in a stage of unprecedented evolution. The vehicle for that conscious evolution is the electromagnetic waves bathing our planet.
Excerpt: An example of how to use Universal Intelligence to build better businesses and better lives. In the summer of 2018, with 6 planets in retrograde, it was a great time to go within and hear the whispers of that Intelligence in your life.
Excerpt: You absorb more information than most of the population. You can become 'overloaded' as a result.
Excerpt: Getting a handle on stress is important for everyone. It’s especially important for Sensitive people. You’re already overloaded by stimuli and stress is not a welcome addition. Add your smoothie ingredients to a list and make it a priority to pick up fresh stock weekly.
Excerpt: Narcissists Make Up 6% of the Population If you find yourself in a crazy-making relationship, you may be dealing with a ‘Nars’. Your Nars could be a spouse, lover, parent, child, boss, neighbour, friend, sibling or co-worker.
Excerpt: Learn to work with your super power of heightened sensitivity and thrive.
Excerpt: This beautiful guided meditation is 33 minutes of heavenly relaxation. It will help you calm the mind so you can connect with your heart centred wisdom.
Description:Unrealistic Expectations? Get Ready for some heart break :( Unrealistic [...]
Description:When was the last time you woke in the middle [...]
Description:Be prepared, this is an arduous trip. It is also [...]
Description:It’s not you; it’s me! How many times have you [...]
Description:“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them [...]
Description:Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Pain, Non-judgement, Understanding; these are the emotions I experienced when I heard of Robin Williams passing. I’m writing from the perspective of a mother who spent 4 years helping her son battle treatment resistant clinical depression.
Description:I would assume that you are one of those 'out of the box' thinkers since you are reading this blog post. The world needs more than ever, to be the change we all want to see on this planet.
Description:Opposites attract and the best projects, relationships, and collaborations happen when people with different ways of processing information come together. Once we begin to appreciate our differences and stop trying to change the other person in to a copy of us, conflict lessens and the level of happiness in our lives goes up.
Description:Anger, frustration, fear, sadness and confusion travel with us as we struggle to find an answer. Many of us are facing these situations right now. We don’t know what to do and we want answers. We just want to be happy now! Here are 3 sure-fire ways to help you see more clearly.
Description:Being Lonely Alone is Preferable to Being Lonely in a Crowd. There is an aspect of this evolutionary process where spending time with yourself will become very important to you.
Description:This evolution is about finding the courage to mold your own life experience. It's calling you to "feel" in to the heart; the birthplace of true authentic creativity.
Description:This is Law of Attraction at work; we are in a state of flux and that is what is being attracted to us. Our life becomes a great big WHY! Why is this happening to me? Why do I feel this way? I don't know what's true any more.
Description:The path laid out for you by others, no longer leads where you want to go.
Description:Most of us dream of a life of "happily ever after"; but isn't that like a blank canvas? Devoid of depth, character and meaning. Love and life need the black lines.
Description:As we become better at loving the self, we may begin to question the choices we made in relationships. Did society, parents, pregnancy, dogma or other outside forces influence our relationship choices? Are we still happy with our choices? These questions can cause friction in the self and in those we are in relationship with.
Description:Emotions serve as our teacher. If we are unhappy, that will be felt more sharply than in the past. If we are happy, that emotion will be also felt in a bigger way. Eventually, the contrast will be so great, we will choose the good feeling emotion over the uncomfortable one. Our survival depends on learning the lesson.
Description:When it feels as if the world is no longer on our side, we are more willing to jump in to the unknown. If frustration is your close companion and it feels like the world is no longer on your side, have faith! Trust the jump will land you in the best possible place for you.
Description:As we embrace evolution, we are becoming lighter. We are resonating at a higher or lighter energy frequency and our relationship with time is changing as a result.
Description:Women are incredibly resourceful and we come up with ingenious ways to juggle work, kids, house, love, friends and our own down time. Use this organizational tool to help you juggle like a pro :)
Description:The above question was asked by a lady from New York during my radio show yesterday. We all struggle with questions in life where our decision making abilities are put to the test. We are asked to decide between the blue pill or the red pill?
Description:Perhaps this journal entry will help you see you are not alone in these crazy times. Many others feel just like you do. Feel free to use this journal template as you wish. Add, subtract, delete, embellish, rant….turn it in to your masterpiece, and use it as a way-post to express yourself-to-yourself in a safe and honest way.
Description:Most of us walk around simply existing…happily defined by our labels; manager, parent, spouse, portfolio owner, weekend athlete. But what happens when the surface meaning gets stripped away?
Description:Do you feel a little weird or afflicted lately? Is life beginning to feel as if you are constantly trying to stuff a round peg in to a square hole?
Description:Connecting with like minded supportive women can help you build your business and bring greater joy to your life.
Description:Welcome to the first Empath and Narcissist podcast. Empaths and narcissists exist on opposite ends of the compassion spectrum. They attract one another like a moth to the flame. Learn the traits of each. Determine if you are an empath and how to spot a narcissist before they become a destructive part of your life.
Description:Making entrepreneurial dreams a reality takes work. But you don’t have to do it alone.