Best Systems for Life, Love and Work

Best Systems for Life, Love and Work

Put the systems in place to access your intuitive inner wisdom. Everything about your work, love and life will transform.

Picture of Superman with the caption

Developing systems is like Kryptonite to the very peeps who need them the most.

Entrepreneurs tend to be idea generators who can get something off the ground but get bored with the day to day details of keeping the business going. Whether you are setting up systems to build a more profitable business or to build a life driven by your own intuitive wisdom, systems will help you break unproductive patterns.

At the ripe old age of 28 I found myself adrift in a foreign country. I landed there with a 5 week old, a 2 year old…no support system, and the expectation I would care for others; who were also on a foreign posting. I packed up my life and my babies to head for distant shores.

Let me explain. I was married to a Major in the Canadian Army. When he accepted the  opportunity to serve as an exchange officer with the British Military on the Rhine (in Germany), I was pretty excited. Never one to shy away from an adventure, I kinda underestimated this one.

I survived the 3 years. Raised my babies. Supported the wives of my husband’s troops. (I spearheaded the building of a drop-in centre for them when the men were deployed to a war zone in Bosnia.) Learned enough German to get by, assimilated in to the British culture, and got really good at putting systems in place.

Following systems is not an innate drive for me. (Check out this blog to learn more about personality). I’m an Entrepreneur. In real life and in the MBTI. My natural drives; high on Quick Start and Fact Finder, low on Follow Through and Implementor. It doesn’t mean I can’t implement and follow through, it just means I need systems in place to ensure my ideas become a profitable long term reality.

Entrepreneurs tend to be just like me. Idea generators who can get something off the ground but get bored with the day to day details of keeping the business going. I believe this is one of the primary reasons so many businesses fail.

Developing systems is like Kryptonite to the very peeps who need them the most.

The most important systems I initiated during those years in Germany were a daily meditation and journaling practice. I started small. A few moments of connecting with myself in peace, and a short written piece in my pretty journal got me through some challenging times.

I still journal daily. My on-going meditation practice has taught me to connect to a place of inner peace throughout the day; even during stressful moments. I’m not the only one this is true for…

When I set systems up for my clients to accommodate a daily practice of meditation and journaling, their whole life begins to change.

When you put the systems in place which allow you to access your intuitive inner wisdom, you live a very different life. Targeted knowledge and clear thinking drive your decisions and lead your life.

The majority of the people in the Western world live an outwardly focused life. All the information comes from outside the self. News, music, movies, youtube, social media soundbites….someone or something from outside of you fills you up. Your sense of self is created outside the self. Your thinking is a rehash of the thoughts coming at you.

Einstein said “We will never solve problems with the same thinking that created them.” Looking for solutions for life from outside the self is the definition of insanity. After all…

We need a lot of wise, inwardly-focused people to find the solutions to turn this crazy world around! Ready to be one of those people?

It’s time to think of yourself in a different way. Try this on for size…

You are amazing. You have a piece of the puzzle no one else has. We need you to gift yourself and this world by living your authentic life and contributing in your special way. 

Here’s an analogy that might resonate with you. I have an old monitor and one of the pixels isn’t working. There is a ‘dead’ spot in the right hand corner of my screen. If you don’t gift this world with your authenticity, you are like that pixel. The world must do without your contribution, and the vacant space sticks out like a sore thumb.

No one else lives your life. No one else breathes your first breath or follows you into the afterlife….however that looks. This life is yours. Live it from the inside out. We need you.

Those at the leading edge of this evolution are learning to live their authentic life and they are learning discernment. They are tuning in to their own innate wisdom to find answers for life, love and work. When you are connected to the self, it’s easy to discern if something is true for you or not. Your bullshit meter is highly calibrated.

Again, we are back to systems. Whether you are setting up systems to build a more profitable business or you are setting up systems to build a life driven by your own intuitive wisdom…you need systems. Habits are hard to break. And keep this in mind:

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.

