Shows a picture of the planets in the constellations at 12:41 am EDT on September 20, 2017 at the moment of the new moon in Virgo. There is a text section showing the planet Vesta in Leo at 00 degrees. It also shows the placement of Mercury 12 degrees Virgo, Mars at 9 degrees Virgo and Venus at 00 degrees Virgo.

New Moon in the Sign of the Priestess

Published On: 09/19/2017Categories: SoulTags: , , , , , , , ,
Shows a picture of the planets in the constellations at 12:41 am EDT on September 20, 2017 at the moment of the new moon in Virgo. There is a text section showing the planet Vesta in Leo at 00 degrees. It also shows the placement of Mercury 12 degrees Virgo, Mars at 9 degrees Virgo and Venus at 00 degrees Virgo.

New Moon in the Sign of the Priestess

Published On: 09/19/2017Categories: SoulTags: , , , , , , , ,

Are you ready to seed something new? It’s time


Shows a picture of the planets in the constellations at 12:41 am EDT on September 20, 2017 at the moment of the new moon in Virgo. There is a text section showing the planet Vesta in Leo at 00 degrees. It also shows the placement of Mercury 12 degrees Virgo, Mars at 9 degrees Virgo and Venus at 00 degrees Virgo.

At 12:41 a.m. EDT on September 20, 2017 the moon is conjunct the sun at 27 degrees Virgo. This is another way of saying the moon is new. She sits in front of the sun and blocks its rays so our night sky is dark. As the sun illuminates the dark side of the moon, the side we can’t see from the vantage point of Earth, we too are asked to shine the light on the parts of ourselves which others can’t see.

For 3 days it’s as if the moon withdraws in order to confer with her higher spiritual wisdom. She goes within to seed that which is ripe for manifestation. The sacred work of a priestess is to bring spirit into matter and then honour that which has been birthed.

The energies of this moon are the energies of the Virgo Archetype. Her lineage is that of the druids, priests and priestesses. She interprets sacred mysteries. She is the wisdom keeper of the Earth. She is the Spider Woman of the Native North American culture.

She investigates the mysteries of the Sacred patterns in everything. She works with cycles and seasons. She spins and weaves the story of the life we are living. She has big work to do on the planet at this time.

“From star to tree to insect, each fragment of 

creation is part of one design,

the pattern of being, that extends unbroken

from the otherworld to this world.

The pattern is constantly in motion, connecting

us in life and death to the Source of all Being.”

~ Druids by Morgan Llwelyn


Venus, Mars and Mercury are all in Virgo when the new moon occurs. We are all being called to discover our own Sacred Work. How can you use your personal drive (Mars), your intellect (Mercury) your love of self (Venus) to manifest what you came here to manifest in this lifetime?

Vesta, the asteroid closely connected to the Virgo Archetype is at 00 degrees Libra at the time of the new moon. Libra is the relationship house and governs partnerships. We are all being asked to carve out a space and a time just for ourselves. Even when you are in partnership with another, it is vital to take time to go within and connect with that which yearns to manifest through you.

A beautiful Goddess leans against a tree in the left side of the photo. On the right side is text which reads "Ready to Become a Manifesting Goddess"

For those who would like to learn how to join me for a special weekend of sacred Goddess work. It occurs at the new moon in November and will be our last chance for the seed cycle before 2018. p.s. Event was a tremendous success. Stay tuned for more events.

Paula’s signature. It is a picture with the words LOVE and then the script Paula and my logo “Evolution coach” underneath
